Take It Out On Screw Extractors

Have you ever had a screw that was so tight, you just couldn’t get it out no matter how hard you tried? Or maybe you stripped the head of the screw and now it’s stuck in there good. In either case, you’re going to need a 🗜 screw extractor.

A screw extractor is a tool that fits over the head of the screw and uses a reverse thread to unscrew it. Screw extractors come in a variety of sizes, so make sure you get one that fits the screw you’re dealing with. Once you have your screw extractor, below we guide you on how to use it:

🕳 Start by drilling a pilot hole into the center of the screw head. This will give the screw extractor a firm grip.

💈 Next, place the screw extractor onto the screw head and turn it in the direction that would loosen the screw.

🦾 As you turn the screw extractor, apply pressure to the handle. This will help to keep the extractor from slipping.

🤸‍♂️ Continue turning the screw extractor until the screw is loose enough to remove by hand.

👏 Remove the screw extractor and the screw from the pilot hole.

There are a few things to keep in mind though:

🧐 Be sure to drill a pilot hole before using the screw extractor. This will help to ensure that the screw extractor doesn’t slip and damage the surrounding area.

🥽 Always use safety glasses when using a screw extractor. The drill bit can break, and the pieces can fly off and injure you.

With these tips in mind, using a screw extractor is a breeze. So next time you’re stuck with a rounded-out screw, give one of these handy tools a try. If you’re still stuck, we’re always here to help. Be it through email, instant message, or video chat, the Tsamouris team is here for everything, everywhere, every time.